God, I want to be a better person. I want the change in my life. Maybe I only have few more years, maybe not. Or maybe have a long life. I don't know, but there are so many thoughts juggling in my little brain. So many questions there too which i have not found the answer. From all of the times, Am I really bad person so everyone leave me to be alone? Am I gonna be forever alone? Will I be grow older by myself? Are You punishing me because I'm an evil person all this time nonstop? I know that God has a purpose to me because He created me. There must be a reason why I was born. Or am I just an outcast? How God speak to me? Do God want to speak to me? Am I worth it so God want to speak to me? Or I'm just really stubborn so I can't heard Your voice? Or You spoke to me from someone else? Would God talk directly to me one day? How do I know what God command me? My thoughts are: I'm a really really a bad person so I become like this right now. I'm no...
It is scary to realize that year end is just around the corner. Yap, dah mau menjelang akhir tahun orang orang dah sibuk planning christmas party dan new year's eve. Ada juga yang sibuk mikirin year end closing kayak Accountant, dari yang sibuk ngatur jadwal stock opname akhir tahun sampai tutup buku fiscal year. Mungkin bagi orang lain, mikir apa aja resolusi yang udah dibuat di awal tahun yang dah terlaksana dari sekarang kayaknya aneh, but that's what i always do in the early december of each year. Setelah dipikir pikir, keluarlah hasilnya and Oh My Lord,there are not much in progress is what i can say. Yes, it's better year for me than the last 2 years. But that's okay, we should get up and starting again. What i concern about my self is that I don't have enough time just for me. My self. My health, my mind, my interests. I always put others interest first, like my family, my dogs, my boss. No, it's fine for me, because i can distract my self for th...